About Me

Hi! I'm Charm! I'm  a marketer and management consultant residing in the Pacific Northwest. I'm inspired by creativity and use it to tackle everything in life-- from my clients' business challenges, to redecorating, or planning my next globe-trotting adventure!

I'm a twin, and mom to the two most adorable calico kittens (here's one of them, isn't she cute?!?)

In 2006 I graduated from the University of Puget Sound where I studied Communication Studies (cognitive theory focus) and Chemistry. Since then most of my career has involved leading strategic and operational success for clients in go-to-market planning, product and SaaS launch strategies, and process improvement initiatives.

This blog started out as a place for me to share whatever trivial things or interests came to mind with my girlfriends and share my travel planning ideas. Today it's morphed into a little more than that.

When I'm not at work I love to create beautiful and fun things, fun meals, volunteer and travel. I'm always over ambitious and I always sometimes underestimate how much time it will take to complete a project. I'm continually inspired by fun conversations, life, and my friends/family. While I don't blog everyday, I occasionally take the time to share my creativity, travels, and DIY projects (and bloopers!) in my blog so others can enjoy or take a chuckle at me too.

Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you visit often to see my latest activity or adventure!

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