Tuesday, September 28

Sweaty Fingers

That was my first thought last night at the gym. I walked into the lower Queen Anne 24 Hour Fitness facility  an hour before close last night. The front desk trainer happily told me about their new cardless check-in process. Instead of passing her my ID and membership card I can now enter my phone number and use their finger scan. I then remembered that trainers had been telling me about their new "green" and "easier" cardless check-in process (rolled out by MorphoTrak) several weeks back.

Sweaty fingers...unwashed hands...leftover food grease...when does flu season start?!?!! My OCD kicked in and I briskly handed over my ID and membership card. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Works for me." Realistically there's probably more germs on the workout equipment (I try to sanitize before I use). Using finger scanners to me is the equivalent of using a public bathroom without using a seat cover. Gross.

 As I pounded out 3 1/2 miles on the treadmill I began thinking that to protect my privacy by giving up my privacy, doesn't make sense (I'll save my rant on privacy for another day). Yet I do it every day in social media communities I'm a part of. If it was for my job and I had security clearance, sure. But for the gym? Even the grocery store (which I frequent as often as gyming) doesn't do that. No thanks, I'll pass. Plastic works just fine.

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