Sunday, March 16

The Longest Run

If you would have asked me outright five months ago if I thought I could run 13 miles, my answer would have been no. Today I realized not only the hard work I've put into my training, but the great support Team in Training and their coaches have provided.

Today was our longest run. For the Whidbey Island half marathon runners that was 130 minutes (psst...that's like over 2 hours!).  Many of you know I was sick with the flu (really something closer to ebola) recently so I was very conscious about not getting sick again so close to the run. But I was excited to get back out there and see what I could do

The Route
Yesterday's route was a gorgeous run along Lake Washington. We started at the Japanese Garden in the Arboretum and ran along Lake Washington Blvd. The route had us turn around at either the halftime mark (65 min) or at Seward Park whichever came first. On the way back we had some hill training by turning onto McGilvra Blvd, making a left on E. Galer St., left onto E. Madison St., and then making a final right turn onto Lake Washington Blvd to head back to the Japanese Garden.

Lake Washington Blvd Route

My halfway turnaround mark was probably 3-5 min from Seward Park. Here's a photo someone posted on our TNT Facebook page of me making the trek back (the blue arrow is pointing at me!).

Charm and fellow TNT members running Lake Washington Blvd.

The map above (according to Google and my FitBit Flex) is just over 14 miles! At the "finish line" there was a lovely group of TNT folks (and beer!) to cheer you through your last push. Not the best photo of me taken, but candid shot of fellow TNT Adriane and I enjoy a beverage after crossing the finish line and getting our longest run medals.

After this run we being "tapering" off. according to the Coach's newsletter we're entering into a rest period before the big race. Our taper period will be about 2-3 weeks before the half marathon. The benefit of having this time is that you allow your body to rest, recover, and repair sp that you are in full peak for the race.

In other words, I'll have to go golfing or on walks now that the weather is getting nicer to keep up my FitBit steps in the Arryve competition ;).

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