Tuesday, April 1

Leaving All Doubt Behind

A quick little note before I get on with my work day. I want to share with you my new motivational phrase that practically fell in my lap today :).

A few weeks ago our TNT newsletter encouraged runners to find ways to stay motivated and get through mental toughness. I find it useful to re-read the past newsletters because I always notice something I've overlooked or missed reading. The goal of choosing a word or phrase is to help dilute any negative thought, help propel you forward, and inspire you to keep going. And then you put it on repeat and do it again!

I've been re-reading Om from the Mat by Dana Damara during my home yoga practice. Dana is an amazing and inspiring yoga instructor. I was fortunate enough to take a class from her during Wanderlust last summer. She had a lot of wonderful phrases and passages for meditation to deepen your yoga practice and grow spiritually. I was finding it difficult to find a mantra to calm my busy mind when I'm running and as much as I love Dana, it wasn't quite working for me. I guess I find running energizing and not relaxing :).

I was running at the gym going through my mental checklist of to-do's for the day it hit me: Leave All Doubt Behind. It was one of several inspirational phrases posted on the wall by the elliptical and treadmill machines. It's cheesy, but I'm sure the gym designer must have known most people feel like hamsters on a wheel!

I won't go too deep on this, but as I was running I mentally transitioned from pre-stressing about my day to pondering what does it mean to leave all doubt behind for me?

For me it means several things. It means having faith. Taking chances. Going with your gut. Having confidence. But most importantly doing your own thing and having your own perspective on life.

There's never a right time to add something else to your plate. But if it's something your passionate about and you want to have fun with why, not? A colleague of mine is coming back from a three-month sabbatical traveling all over the world, and her post on Facebook really resonated with me today when I saw my new mantra on the wall today:

"If you put your mind to what's important in your life and make a plan to get it or there, anything is possible"

The context of my colleague's post was to not make excuses for not traveling because she was able to find a way to make her dreams a reality. But I think this can apply to any situation, goal, or aspiration. Today try to find one thing you would normally doubt yourself on and make a plan for getting it done!

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