Sunday, December 1

TNT Run- Kerry Park

It's a week before my six sigma greenbelt exam, so to be honest I hadn't done much "training" since last weekend's run. I'm also still working on the fundraising link as I have duplicates from LLS. Hopefully I'll have an update before the holidays!

Yesterday's run was in my neck of the woods on Queen Anne hill. We ran the Queen Anne Boulevard loop starting at Kerry Park. The historic scenic route is about 4.5 to 5 miles of tranquility. Several major points along the route offers lookout view points where one can see either the space needle, downtown, Magnolia, or Elliot Bay. The best part is that its a relatively flat route. Okay, maybe that's the second best part. The best part is that on clear days you can see Mt. Rainier! Unfortunately yesterday was no such day so I'vean old photo the park pasted below:
Kerry Park in Queen Anne, Seattle
Today I struggled with running in "warm" gear. It was extremely cold and I had several long running pants from Lululemon that I never exercise in except for yoga. I failed to wear a jacket, but I did have on a Nike dri-fit shirt a new favorite in my favorite color purple:

Nike Dri-Fit Wool V-Neck
Nike Dri-Fit Wool V-Neck

It was my first wool v-neck and a good investment. It kept me warm but also wicked away the sweat. I originally picked this up for flag football winter season, but this may become a regular in my outdoor running attire!


Sunday, November 24

First Team Run- Luther Burbank Park

I signed up for the Whidbey Island half marathon a couple weeks ago with my friend Andrew, but hadn't yet made it to a team run. To summarize, team in training (TNT) provides endurance training programs for charities. One of the things I found really cool about this program is every week we run at a different local area. I won't be able to make the Tuesday or Thursday runs most of the time due to volunteer commitments, so for now the Saturday runs will have to do.

This past Saturday our run was on Mercer Island. We met at the Luther Burbank Park. I was extremely proud of myself for not getting lost on the way there the first time around. I can't say I'll always be this lucky with my poor sense of direction.

I was feeling a bit like a slacker since I wasn't sure what quite to expect and I had missed the first two weeks as I joined late. Everyone was friendly and welcoming. Below is the only photo I managed to take from the run. If you look closely there's a few birds hiding in the brush :).

We ran for about 50 minutes, which doesn't seem too bad when you're on a treadmill, but when you're running up unfamiliar inclines on Mercer Island it seems like a lifetime. I made friends with a gal training for the Whidbey Island full marathon and we ended up jogging the last twenty minutes together. I plan to go running at least twice this week. I'll be enjoying a stay-cation over the holidays and studying for my six sigma green belt (SSGB) exam coming up the first week in December. Wish me luck!

Friday, November 15

I"M RUNNING A HALF MARATHON! How it all started

It was a typical Sunday afternoon.  I had just finished showering after a light jog. I was skimming through personal email on my Android while sipping a cup of tea and tiptoeing around the one of the cats' many gadgets strategically placed in the floor in hopes of getting me to take a moment play fetch with them.

I read the title of an email from one of my best friends from high school, Andrew, making a mental note to read it thoroughly after I had double-checked my fantasy football line up for that evening's games.

Fast forward an hour, during a commercial break and I finally get to Andrews mail:

" Hi Charm,
If memory serves me right the last time we hung out you mentioned you were looking to start running again. I've decided to run the Whidbey Island half marathon in mid April and wanted to see if you'd be interested in joining me.
The kicker is that I'm doing it for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to raise funds for cancer research. There's two aspects to it, the fundraising and the actual training for the half marathon.
For the fundraising, they set me up with a website where people can donate (there's also an app), although you know me and I hate asking people for stuff, so I'll have to work up to asking friends, family and coworkers to donate.
The training is cool because there's a group of about 20-30 people that you meet with twice a week to run with at your own pace: Tuesday nights at Green Lake (although they're setting up an East side group) and Saturday mornings at various places in the area. There are trainers and coaches that help you set up a training schedule that works for you.
Anyway, wanted to see if you were interested. You can sign up anytime between now and I think February. Below is the link to the website if you're curious.
Somehow reading his original email the only phrases that stuck were charity, Whidbey Island, fundraising, and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS). My immediate replay was Yes! I was thrilled Andrew was doing something philanthropic and wanted to support him. It wasn't until I went to register I realized I was signing up for a half marathon. (He's still never let's me down for not reading his email entirely).
So now I'm here, what am I doing? I'll be sharing updates over the next several months:
  • Share my experience training for my first ever marathon
  • Document my progress
  • Keep me accountable
  • Make fundraising more personable for my donors :)
  • Share my mission moments as the occur in my experience

I will also share my fundraising link once that get's sorted out as it appears I've been automated for a few by error! Until then, stay tuned!

Thursday, January 10

Recipe Favorite- Brussel Sprouts

It seems the only time I don't ever blog is in the Fall. Usually during this time, sharing my work-life balance gets put on the back burner as I focus on work, fitness, and the holiday soirees.

I've started the new year with's Resolution Challenge. I'll be honest I probably follow the home workouts and diets 75-85% but I always get more fit, and feel much better making a conscious effort to indulge greens. Anyway I wanted to share one of my favorite greens with my new favorite veggie- brussel sprouts!

I feel this veggie is one that gets a really bad rap from kids, pop culture, and some restaurants rarely serve them on there menus. I think the problem is people either tend to over cook them or don't know how to prepare them. Perfectly sauteed or steamed these mini cabbages have a great nutty flavor. Overcooked and they can taste like stinky cabbage.

One of my favorite brussel sprouts recipes is brussel sprout au gratin. My recipe of course should be had in moderation and not when you're planning to fulfill and New Year resolutions :). I will work on a healthier version of this recipe as it's one of Jon's favorites!

I've been sauteing this little yummies with bell peppers and onions, seasoning them with garlic, oregano, and a dash of cayenne. Maybe this is why I thought of my delish au gratin to share! I used this recipe and as always I made several edits:

2-3 cups of brussel sprouts halved
5oz of Kale washed stemmed and chopped. (I buy the Trader Joe's 10oz bag of prewashed and chopped Kale, but the more greens the better!)
6-8 red potatoes (optional)
1 cup of brown rice
1 pint of heavy cream (or almond milk)
1T of garlic powder
Cayenne to taste
1tsp of salt
1tsp of pepper
1C Beecher's Flag ship cheese
1C Bellavitano
2 cloves of garlic chopped
2T coconut oil
1T butter (salted)
1/2C croutons or bread crumbs
1/3C of slivered almonds

Melt the coconut oil in the bottom of a 6 quart pan. Add in the butter, clarifying but not burning. Add in the chopped garlic and brown rice and saute until the garlic is fragrant but not overcooked. Add the heavy cream and boil, then bring to a simmer covered for 30-45 min until the rice is cooked. Watch the pan to make sure it doesn't boil over!

While the rice is cooking, in a 4-8 quart pan boil the red potatoes until slightly undercooked. Remove the potatoes and slice into medallions. Line the bottom of a 9 inch baking dish with the potatoes and lightly top with a mixture of both cheeses.

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Bring another 4-8 quart pan of water to a boil. Using a steamer (or you can boil in the pot if you don't have one) steam the brussel sprouts and kale until slightly tender. Remove from heat and place veggies in a large mixing bowl.

Place the bread crumbs and almonds in a food processor and coarsely chop until well blended.

When the rice is completed mix in with the veggies and seasonings. Add in all the shredded cheeses. Pour the veggie/dairy mixture over the potatoes in your baking dish. Top with your crouton/almond crust and bake for 30 minutes or until the crust is nicely browned. Enjoy!