Saturday, January 25

TNT Run- Alki

Today I was excited because it's the LONGEST run I have ever had today! I ran about 100-110 minutes at Alki.

We met up near a boat parking area ran 3-5 miles out, returned, then turned up California Ave SW and ran a about a mile, 1.5 miles up and then back down. The joke I always have with the bf is that TNT helps me learn how to drive around Seattle. Unfortunately that's not the case when it's foggy.

Today it was so foggy I actually missed the West Seattle bridge exit and ended up somewhere near Harbor Island and 1st Ave S. After spending 15 minutes driving back towards downtown, I managed to find my way again back onto 99 South and did not repeat the hamster wheel route. Below is a photo of my basically zero visibility

Foggy weather heading to West Seattle
 My challenge today was calming that internal chaos so I could just focus on running. I tried a few things today, mixing it up chatting to different people and fumbling with my various Pandora stations trying to find one I can have a good groove to.

I think Red Hot Chili Peppers and my Pop Fitness station are my digs. Next step will be figuring out my playlist for race day :). One the way back from the hill training portion of my run one of the coaches pointed out a bald eagle hanging out on the branch.

Can you see the bald eagle?!!?
These early am runs are killing me, but you really can't beat the view. I finished the run wobbly today as I've experienced my first hip tightening. At first I thought my knees were giving out but after doing some stretches when I got home and using the foam roller I have about 7 boulders in my hips, calves, and quads. I ran to the store and grabbed a couple bags of ice. I'll be having my first ice bath today.

While I'm terrified of doing this (don't worry I won't blog about it after this!) It was in the coach's corner of the TNT newsletter a couple weeks ago. Ice baths apparently help aid in recovery after long runs. My approach today will be taking coach Dorothy's advice. 15 minutes, with a hoodie, and a couple cups of tea. The mere thought is making me freezing. Well it's now or never, wish me luck!

Saturday, January 18

TNT Run- Arboretum

This week was a tough workout week. Flag football season starts next week, and work/volunteer activities have been busier than normal. On top of that my boyfriend is back on the road again for work which means I'm a full time mom to our kitties. Here's a photo of them sleeping peacefully on a throw blanket when they're not acting like my little terror of loves.

Despite all the business activities in my personal life I managed to run about 3 times this week. The start of a FitBit Challenge at work might have had something to do with it :).

Today's run was a recovery run as we began our hill training this week. We started off meeting at the Japanese Garden in the arboretum. From there the route got a little fuzzy and I just followed people ahead of me. I know we ran down Lake Washington Blvd, and then turned and ran up some really steep side streets.

At the halfway mark we ended back at the garden and then headed up towards Roanoke on some trails I'm unfamiliar with but were steep. Here are some pretty photos I managed to snag from today for your viewing pleasure!