Monday, June 20

Carving Watermelons

Sunny and 65 degrees with overcast- June brings with it the normal festivities of summer. Barbecues, graduations, dry Sounders FC games, and family get-togethers. And so I partook in the ritual by attending Joey's (my boyfriend's brother) high school graduation last weekend. My boyfriend invited me to both the graduation and a family/graduation barbecue a few days beforehand. The pressure was added when that Saturday evening I discovered I would be meeting many paternal side family members for the first time.

As we're sitting on the couch with his family and discussing the final logistics of the barbecue, I realize pitching in will not only give me something to do, but I can make a good impression. My normal routine for coping with uncomfortable situations is to obsess about something.  I asked his mom what she'd like us to bring. She was very polite to say nothing at all, and then suggested maybe a watermelon or fruit.

Bingo! 2 years ago when Jon moved into his new apartment I was absolutely dying for him to have a housewarming so I could carve a watermelon. And yes, I said watermelon- not a pumpkin. My girlfriend sent me a recipe for carving a watermelon turtle and I have been waiting for the perfect opportunity. Low maintenance, no hassles of bringing a hot dish down from Seattle, and it's adorable and quirky. Convincing Jon we were going to have a "couple" project was easier than I thought and soon we were on our way to purchase new melon ballers and a nifty retractable vegetable peeler from Metropolitan Market.

Meeting the extended family wasn't so bad, and Joey LOVED his graduation turtle (as did his other high school friends!). It was beautiful and I definitely recommend mixing in other fresh fruit. Since summer is here and you have that friend's barbecue, 4th of July cabin party, or engagement dinner- why not bring a watermelon turtle? Afterall everyone loves a creative piece of art that's edible!

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