Thursday, January 5

New Year, New Projects

Last fall has passed by more quickly than I could have imagined. With the change of the season, a lot has also changed in my personal life. Both of my bosses at work each moved on to new roles inside the company. I also left and got hired on at a management firm to do marketing, and I somehow lucked out with the ENTIRE month of December off!

I went on vacation to Barcelona this past summer, but I have definitely forgot what relaxing feels like. I can go to the gym at 6AM instead of prepping for a conference call, and my stress level is at an all time low. I have also had time to finish house projects- most recently a massive collage picture frame project that was on the burner for the past two years.

I have also had time to do more cooking and experiment with baking. Below I have a new favorite tart recipe from Epicurious. I did tweak the recipe a bit:

  • Added an extra pear
  • Included dried sweet cherries, and cranberries
  • Did a 50/50 mix of Whiskey and Bourbon with a splash of Armaretto
  • Added almond layer to the base of the pie crust
The result is more of a smokey oak taste and more sweet and tangy than on the tart side. Truly amazing nonetheless, I presented these during the holidays and my family and Jon's family absolutely loved them. I see more baking in my future :).

I have 2 more big projects I will begin working on today that I "hope" to finish before I start work again in 2 weeks.  The first is finding frames for a massive world map (for Jon's condo) and for my favorite Christmas present below! I have a limited edition & autographed X-Men glicee print on canvas.

My photo doesn't really do the print justice. I forgot I asked Jon for this as a present and I squealed like a baby when I opened the canvas tube. I plan to put this in my woman cave when I move. Until then I need to figure out an appropriate place in apartment to put this...and hoping the roomie doesn't freak out.

The last big project is helping Jon decorate his new condo. Finally (!!!) he is ready to start making it a home. Look for updated blogs as I finish each room. I by no means consider myself an interior designer, but I think wit my personal clothiing style and endless coffee table design books I've read that I've developed a knack for how things go together :).

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