Sunday, January 15

Pains of Curly Lashes

WARNING: This may be by far one of the grossest blogs I have ever written.

Everyone knows that old proverb "Eyes are the windows into the soul". I think as a consequence most women strive to have amazing eyelashes. There's always a new plumping, thickening, volumizing mascara or faux lashes coming out on the market with "360 degrees" technology brush. For me, and I'm sure the rest of the naturally curly-lash population, it can be sometimes a pain.

The worst is when you have an eyelash in the process of falling out. A prompt 180 degrees ends with a lash either in your eye or worse scratching it. For me it was the prior. I have had more than one occasion as a child when I'm screaming Bloody Mary and begging my mom to blow in my eye or bust out the tweezers to put me out of my misery.

Well for the past 3 days (in addition to random food poisoning/24 hour stomach flu I battled on Thursday) I have had a horrible pain in my eye. Normally this happens when I've worn lose powder eyeliner or did a sloppy job washing mascara off from the night before. I finally decided after washing my face tonight to stretch open my eyelids and see if I could "see" anything as it's been driving me nuts. And voila! (picture below).

eyelash stuck in my eye

I noticed first the small white dot (small blue circle in photo) in my left eye in the canthus. It looked originally like a pimple. I freaked out and had Jon come take a look to make sure it wasn't pinkeye. He wears contacts and glasses= sees an eye doctor more frequently than I. Turns out it was just an eye bugger or whatever they're called. But when I finally managed to pull it out, I had this eyelash (larger blue circle) sticking straight out! turns out this was slighly behind my eye...I think! Anyway the minute I pulled it out the pain went away!! I didn't know it was possible to have this happen and I've normally been good about pulling or plucking my lashes out as they fall out. Anyway now I can sleep in peace. And ladies, be thankful you don't have curly lashes.

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